Posts in Skunk Exclusion
Calgary Pest Control And Urban Neighbourhoods

Urban development has actually caused an increase in pest populations. Mice, voles, skunks, pigeons, squirrels, and raccoons all do so well in urban environments that their populations will continue to increase exponentially as long as they continue to find adequate opportunities for food and shelter. Invasive species of insects such as cockroaches and bedbugs also thrive in urban centres as people’s homes provide the exact food and shelter they need to excel.

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Skunks In Calgary

Skunks are very common throughout Alberta, and they thrive in urban environments. Ample food, plenty of shelter and few natural predators make urban life quite attractive to most skunks. Skunks are typically nocturnal creatures, doing most of their foraging and moving about under the cover of darkness. Skunks can be seen in the daytime occasionally, if their den is disturbed or blocked, if they have been set free from a trap and are seeking new shelter in a new territory, or in the spring time when young kits are starting to leave the den and wander about on their own for the first time.

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