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Calgary Squirrel Removal Specialists

Safely Eliminate Squirrels.
Certified Wildlife Control Operators.

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, our investigators are experts when it comes to getting rid of squirrels in Calgary. As a top Calgary pest control company, we utilize the best tools, resources, and scientific research available in the pest control industry, and along with our trained, licensed, professional investigators, Lavellan Pest Solutions is able to provide unparalleled service when it comes to evicting and removing squirrels in Calgary.

Think you might have a squirrel problem in or around your home? Do you hear strange scurrying and scampering noises in your attic?  Do you see wood chips scattered around? If you think you might have a problem with squirrels, our experienced pest investigators can give you the peace of mind that you’re looking for.

Our certified wildlife control operators will safely eliminate squirrels from your home. Lavellan’s mindful, professional, and timely squirrel treatment services will have you squirrel-free again.

We are a proud Calgary business, locally owned, locally operated, and community minded.  Thank you for supporting local!

Eliminate Squirrels From Your Home, get back your peace of mind!

Squirrels can become a nuisance pest when they gain access and set up a nest inside your attic, soffit, walls or other area in your home, garage, or shed. There, they can create a fire hazard, structural damage, or potential bio-hazard contamination if left unchecked. If squirrels have created a nest in your home, it is best to call in a licensed professional to assess and deal with how to safely remove squirrels from your home.

Call today to talk to a squirrel specialist 403-437-9310.

Calgary Squirrel Services - Professional Squirrel Removal
Lavellan Pest Solutions - Wildlife Control - Calgary Pest Control

Lavellan Pest Solutions is a member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA). Our certified, professional investigators are specially trained to provide effective control and management of birds and other wildlife that have become a nuisance or are causing damage to your home or property.

Squirrels And You

Squirrels may become a nuisance due to overpopulation in a given area. This is often due to humans feeding squirrels and other wildlife in urban areas where there are few natural predators. Overpopulation can create territory issues over food and nesting. This can lead to a lot of small damage as squirrels will chew on lawn furniture, bar-b-que covers, patio furniture, umbrellas, facia, plants, railings and more as they continually search for food, shelter, and nesting materials. The best way to reduce the growing population is to stop feeding the squirrels, birds, and other wildlife and the population will thin itself out naturally over a season or two.

Central and southern Alberta are home to 3 main tree squirrel species that interact with people or their homes on a regular basis.

While the Pine Squirrel and the Northern Flying Squirrel are native to the region, the Eastern Grey Squirrel has been introduced here from other parts of Canada and the US.

Signs of Squirrels, What To Look For

The main indication of squirrels living in your attic or soffits will be the noise they make. Squirrels are most active in their dreys/dens in the late evenings and early mornings. Squirrels can sound quite loud and are often mistaken for some larger creature as they scurry, scratch, and chew their way through the ceilings and wall voids in your home.

You may also be able to spot the squirrels coming and going from your home. Squirrels will often have more than one entry point. Some entry points can be quite obvious, while other entry points may be completely hidden or out of sight from the ground. Chewed surfaces, droppings, and/or an accumulation of nesting material or pine cones can often indicate the presence of a squirrel.

Getting Rid of Squirrels

There are two ways to get rid of squirrels from your home or property, Exclusion or Trapping.

Squirrel Exclusion

The safest and most effective way to get rid of squirrels living in your home, garage, or shed is to actively exclude the squirrels by installing physical barriers to prevent the squirrels from gaining access.

Squirrel Trapping / Squirrel Removal

The other option for removing squirrels is trapping, or physical removal. Trapping is most often utilized for population control in areas where squirrel populations have gotten out of hand and usually goes together with a re-integration plan, or official cull and dispatch plan. If you have squirrels living in your home, garage, or shed, then trapping the squirrels is only going to be a temporary solution at best. Trapping wont address the entry points, leaving the structure open to future squirrels or other pests. If you have more than one squirrel, then you may also find that trapping squirrels after the first or second can get more difficult as they get more trap aware and less likely to go for the bait. Trapping is NOT our recommended method for dealing with squirrels as it often results in the eventual death of the squirrels, it is not as effective, and it separates squirrels from their families.

Once a squirrel has been trapped, there are three ways that you can deal with the trapped squirrel:

  • Dispatching / Euthanizing - This involves directly killing the animal. There are a number of ways this can happen, and some are more humane than others.

  • Relocation - This is where you catch an animal on your property and then release it some place else, but still within its home territory (i.e., down the block). This does little to help in circumstances of nuisance pest squirrels, as they are so familiar with their own territory, they will often be back at your place before you will be.

  • Translocation - This is where you catch an animal on your property, and then release it some place else, far away from its home territory. The problem this carries is that most small animals only know their home territory. They are completely lost and relatively defenseless when they suddenly find themselves in a new territory. They have no idea where it’s safe to go. They have no idea where to find food or shelter. They have no idea what predators or other dangers may exist, and they suddenly have to figure all of this out in a matter of hours while terrified and in shock. A lot of people think this is the best method. They honestly believe that the animal has a good chance of finding a new home. The reality is, that only about 40% of adult, trans-located squirrels survive the first 30 days. So, while it may seem like the most humane option, trapping squirrels without a rehabilitation or re-integration plan can be a death sentence. Out-of-sight, out-of-mind, doesn’t make it any less cruel.

Our Methods

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, we use a form of natural exclusion. It is the most effective, as well as the least harmful to the squirrels. Our Investigators inspect and assess the structure looking for primary and secondary entry points. We close off all the secondary entry points, and install special one-way devices over primary entry points. These one-way devices allow squirrels to easily exit the structure as they go through their daily routine, but don’t allow the squirrels to re-enter the structure. This forces the squirrels to find another place for their den/drey. This method allows the squirrels to remain unharmed, in their home territory, and also protects the structure from future incursions.

We do offer trapping and translocation of squirrels if the need arises. In such cases we always try to release the squirrels where they will have the best chance for survival.

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Common Questions And Concerns About Squirrels

Q: Are new communities displacing squirrels?

A: No. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.  Squirrels do live naturally in wooded areas, but they thrive in urban communities. Our city communities provide way more food and shelter opportunities, with considerably less predator risk. So much so, that squirrel populations can get out of control in some urban areas where people are feeding them.

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Calgary Squirrel Services - Professional Squirrel Removal
Lavellan Pest Solutions - Wildlife Control - Pest Control Calgary

Lavellan Pest Solutions is a member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA). Our certified, professional investigators are specially trained to provide effective control and management of birds and other wildlife that have become a nuisance or are causing damage to your home or property.

 Squirrel Photo Gallery

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