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Calgary Cockroach Removal Specialists

No preparation required.
6 month warranty period.

German Cockroaches - Various Stages of Development, Caught On A Monitor, In A Home In Calgary, AB

German Cockroaches - Various Stages of Development, Caught On A Monitor, In A Home In Calgary, AB

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, our investigators are experts when it comes to eliminating cockroaches in Calgary. As a top Calgary pest control company, we utilize the best tools, resources, and scientific research available in the pest control industry, and along with our trained, licensed, professional investigators, Lavellan Pest Solutions is able to provide unparalleled service when it comes to exterminating cockroaches in Calgary and surrounding areas.

The most common cockroach found in Calgary, is the German cockroach. While we do occasionally see other types of cockroaches here, if you are having problems with cockroaches in Calgary, or in areas surrounding Calgary, then it is more than likely the German cockroach that you are dealing with.

With no preparation required, and a 6 month warranty period, Lavellan’s mindful, professional, and timely cockroach treatment services will have you cockroach-free and resting easy.

We are a proud Calgary business, locally owned, locally operated, and community minded. Thank you for supporting local!

What is
The German Cockroach?

The German cockroach - [Blattella Germanica (Linnaeus)- is the most likely species of cockroach to be found in Alberta, and is, in fact, the most common species of cockroach to be found around the world. Occasionally we see some Brown Banded cockroaches in Calgary, and we are beginning to see small infestations of American and Oriental cockroaches pop up from time to time. But, if you are dealing with cockroaches in your home, in or around Calgary, then you are most likely dealing with the German cockroach.

German cockroaches are an increasingly common pest throughout the Calgary area, affecting both residential and commercial structures. Cockroaches can spread a number of different bacteria, including E. Coli and Salmonella, and the dust and dander from their excrement and shed skins can irritate breathing ways and exacerbate respiratory problems such as asthma or emphysema. The psychological effects of having cockroaches in your home or business can also be quite overwhelming and even debilitating for some people.

Pest Control For Cockroaches in Calgary

Cockroaches are aggressive invaders, and if left unchecked they will continue to multiply and spread. If you have cockroaches in your home or business, the best thing that you can do is to call in a cockroach specialist right from the start. A lot of pest control companies will treat for cockroaches, but not all pest control companies are cockroach specialists. Always do your homework.

Cockroach Identification - What Do Cockroaches Look Like?

The adult German cockroaches are light brown or copper tan in colour, with two nearly parallel, dark stripes running down the length of their backs, starting just behind their heads. They have two long antennae on their heads which are highly mobile and can often be seen moving in cracks and gaps where the bodies of the cockroaches may hidden from view.

The female German cockroaches can sometimes be a bit darker and more opaque in colour, making the stripes a little more difficult to discern. The females can also appear to be larger, especially when they are carrying their egg sack (ootheca) around. The ootheca is a rectangular protrusion with rounded corners that extends out the back of the female’s abdomen, beyond the wing line. Adult German cockroaches do have wings, but their wings have evolved to no longer be functional for flight purposes. So, for all intents and purposes, German cockroaches do not fly.

German cockroach nymphs are darker brown or black in colour around the edges, often matching the colour of their stripes. This often gives the appearance that they have a single, tan stripe down the centre of their dark-coloured backs, rather than the appearance of two dark stripes down the sides of the tan-coloured backs.

What Do Cockroaches Eat?

German cockroaches will eat just about anything with organic value to it, including dead cockroaches, and their own excrement. German cockroaches have even been known to eat wall paper paste from behind the wall paper on the walls, as well as book binding glue from older books. They are quite content living off bits of food debris and spills created by humans and their pets.

German cockroaches also need a bit of water, and they love humidity.

Cockroach Infestation - Signs Of A Problem

The most obvious sign of an infestation is frequently seeing the cockroaches themselves. They like to stay hidden, or tucked away in dark cracks or hiding places, but they may be seen scurrying to safety if you suddenly turn the lights on in a dark kitchen, open a drawer, or start moving items or appliances where they have been hiding underneath.

German cockroaches are most commonly found around kitchen and washroom areas, or any place close to both water and food sources. They love warmth, humidity and an abundance of food, so infestations are likely to be found in areas where all three of these conditions exist.

Cockroach droppings will be present in areas where cockroaches frequent or aggregate. Their droppings are small, black dots that look like fine, black pepper. These can sometimes be seen in drawers, corners, crevices, or underneath items or appliances.

Getting Rid Of Cockroaches

Never spray for cockroaches! Spraying pesticides to get rid of cockroaches will almost always make things worse and can extend treatment times by months, or even years.

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, we use a unique, investigative, assessment-based strategy to completely eradicate cockroaches from your home or business.

This approach requires no preparation on the part of the occupants and does not require people or pets to leave the structure during treatment. We strategically utilize a very localized bait treatment, along with active monitoring, to achieve amazing results in safely eliminating all cockroaches from your home.

This unique method is more effective, less disruptive, and safer.

How To Keep Cockroaches Away From Your Home

Cockroaches can be brought into your home or business in a number of ways, most often by way of bulk food, or second-hand furniture or appliances, and they can be difficult to eliminate. Early detection is key to preventing a large problem.

Carefully check produce and bulk groceries that come into your home.

Carefully inspect any second hand furniture or appliances brought into the home.

Keep kitchens and washrooms clean, dry, and cool whenever possible. Always clean up spills, wipe up food debris, wash down surfaces, and avoid leaving dirty dishes or soiled towels out for more than 24 hours. Keeping clean may not prevent cockroaches from entering your home, but it will allow you to spot them sooner, and deal with them before an infestation develops.

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Common Questions And Concerns About Cockroaches

Q: Are there Really cockroaches in Calgary?

A: Yes.  The German Cockroach is the most common cockroach found in Alberta, with light to heavy infestations found commonly throughout the province. But, we do sometimes see other cockroaches such as the Brown Banded Cockroach, and recently we are starting to see some of the larger cockroach species such as the American Cockroach and the Oriental Cockroach from time to time. If you have cockroaches, or think you might have cockroaches, you should call a professional.  And never spray for cockroaches.  Spraying for cockroaches can prolong the treatment by months.

Q: How much Does A Professional Cockroach Treatment Cost?

A: The total will depend on a few factors, such as the overall size of your home, and how many kitchens and washrooms there are in the home, but a quality treatment program will typically cost between $300 and $700.

Q: In A Rental Property, Who Is Responsible For The Cost Of A Cockroach Treatment?

A: In Alberta, the Landlord is the one who is responsible for the arrangement and cost of any required pest control inside the home. For more information on this subject, please check out our blog post, Who Pays For Pest Control In A Rental Property?

Q: Are Cockroach Issues Related To Filth?

A: Generally, No.  Flies are the only pest directly related to filth and unsanitary conditions. Messy or dirty environments can make inspecting difficult or prolong the treatment process, but the existence of any pest in your home, apart from flies, has NOTHING to do with how clean or dirty your home may be. Check out our Pest Blog for more information on the relationship between pests and filth.

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Calgary Cockroach Exterminator Services - Professional Cockroach Removal
Lavellan Pest Solutions - Cockroach Treatment - Pest Control Calgary

Lavellan Pest Solutions is a member of the National Pest Management Association, the Pest Management Association of Alberta, and the Canadian Pest Management Association. Our certified, professional investigators are specially trained to effectively find and eliminate cockroaches. Lavellan is known for its scientific innovation, research, and investigative approach to pest control in Calgary and throughout southern Alberta.