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Calgary Spider Removal Specialists

3 Month Warranty.
Interior and Exterior Programs.

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, our investigators are spider removal experts. As a top Calgary pest control company, we utilize the best tools, resources, and scientific research available in the pest control industry, and along with our trained, licensed, professional investigators, Lavellan Pest Solutions is able to provide unparalleled service when it comes to exterminating spiders in Calgary.

Think you might have spiders in or around your home? Are you seeing cobwebs or spiderwebs inside your home, in garden, or around your sheds or play structures?  If you think you might have a problem with spiders, our experienced pest investigators can give you the peace of mind that you’re looking for.

With our 3 month warranty, Lavellan’s mindful, professional, and timely spider treatment services will have you spider-free and resting easy.

We are a proud Calgary business, locally owned, locally operated, and community minded. Thank you for supporting local!

Eliminate Spiders, get back your peace of mind!

Whether indoors or outdoors, spiders can be very beneficial to the environment. They can, however, become a nuisance when their numbers increase, and they appear to be everywhere. Their webs can also pose problems around your yard, on decks, playground equipment, siding, porches, sheds, or other structures.

Most spiders in the Calgary area are quite safe. We do see a fair number of Black Widow spiders in some areas, and there have been occasional sightings of other, more exotic, spiders that have been brought in with foreign goods or produce, but these are quite rare.

Call today, to talk to a spider specialist today: 403-437-9310.

Our Methods

At Lavellan Pest Solutions, we use a unique, investigative, assessment-based strategy to eradicate spiders from your home or business.

This approach involves the targeted application of a liquid, chemical pesticide. For best results, the pesticide is not only aimed at the spiders and their hiding spaces, but also at the areas which may catch or harbour other insects which serve as an attractant and food source for spiders.

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Common Questions And Concerns About Spiders

Q: How much Does A Professional Spider Treatment Cost?

A: The total will depend on a few factors, such as the overall size of your home, and whether the treatment is needed on the interior, exterior, or both. But a quality treatment program will typically cost between $200 and $400.

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Calgary Exterminator Services - Professional Spider Removal
Lavellan Pest Solutions - Spider Treatment - Pest Control Calgary

Lavellan Pest Solutions is a member of the National Pest Management Association, the Pest Management Association of Alberta, and the Canadian Pest Management Association. Our certified, professional investigators are specially trained to effectively find and eliminate spiders. Lavellan is known for its innovation, research, and investigative approach to pest control throughout southern Alberta.