protecting peace of mind

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Calgary Pest Management and
Exterminator Services

Providing Professional
Pest Control Services
To Calgary And Surrounding

Call: 403-437-9310

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For Supporting Local!

Lavellan Pest Solutions was founded right here in Calgary, Alberta, Canada by urban pest specialist, James McGowan. James brings a unique passion to the pest control industry. This passion, along with the latest developments in scientific research, amazing customer service, empathy, and drive for problem solving has advanced Lavellan Pest Solutions to the front of the line when it comes to providing the best pest control Calgary has to offer.

Insects & Arachnids

Our certified, professional investigators are specially trained to take care of even the most stubborn insect problems safely and effectively. Common insect pests in the Calgary area include Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Ants, Spiders, Flies, Fleas, Mosquitoes, and Ticks, stinging insects such as Wasps, Bees, and Hornets, as well as pantry pests and occasional invaders such as Sowbugs (or Wood Louse), Weevils, Centipedes, Ground Beetles, Silverfish, Boxelder Bugs, Lady Bugs, Carpet Beetles, Flour Beetles, Larder Beetles, Indianmeal Moths, and more.

Birds & Wildlife

The urban wildlife in Calgary is increasing every year, and while a good balance of wildlife is good for maintaining our Eco systems, it is also important to maintain proper boundaries for the health and safety of people, pets, and the wildlife itself. At Lavellan, our investigators are trained and certified wildlife control operators through NWCOA (National Wildlife Control Operators Association). Some of the most common birds and wildlife that we deal with are: Squirrels, Skunks, Pigeons, Bats, Raccoons, Porcupines, Sparrows, Woodpeckers, Swallows, Weasels, Geese, Pocket Gophers and Ground Squirrels.


At Lavellan, our investigators are highly trained and specially certified and licensed in rodent control. Proper identification is important for proper control and/or elimination of House Mice, Deer Mice, Voles, Pocket Gophers, and Richardsons Ground Squirrels. We can also take care of any clean up and sanitation required, including airborne contaminants and Hantavirus protocol clean ups.


Commercial Solutions

Certified, Professional, Pest-Free Peace Of Mind!

When it comes to commercial properties and businesses, pest problems can be very costly.  Damaged property or product alone can cost a company thousands of dollars, but the damage to a company's reputation due to pest issues can be absolutely devastating. Through prevention initiatives, and solution-based, timely responses, Lavellan Pest Solutions can help keep your property pest free.

Lavellan Pest Solutions provides pest protection you can depend on.


The Lavellan Difference

When it comes to pest control, not all companies are the same. At Lavellan Pest Solutions, we also understand that not all clients are the same. We take the time to listen to each of our clients, perform proper inspections and assessments, and really get to know your concerns and your specific pest control needs. Our certified, professional investigators will design a pest management program specifically aimed at protecting your property, protecting your pets and family, and protecting your peace of mind. Lavellan Pest Solutions is committed to a holistic, assessment-based pest management approach that protects you from pests while also protecting your health and the environment, providing you with total peace of mind.

No one wants to think about pests. With Lavellan Pest Solutions, you don’t have to!

Lavellan has a 5 star rating for Pest Control Services on Google
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About Bird & Wildlife Removal in Calgary

Lavellan Pest Solutions is a member of the National Wildlife Control Operators Association (NWCOA), and we provide a wide array of professional services for the control and management of birds and other wildlife that have become a nuisance or are causing damage to your home or property.  Skunks, squirrels, pigeons, bats, raccoons, porcupines, gophers, voles and sparrows are the most common types of wildlife to cause problems for residential homes and property in Alberta.

At Lavellan, we do what we do because we care about the wildlife that lives with us in our communities.  Whenever possible, we prefer to remove the target wildlife from living in your home or on your property using passive deterrents and exclusion methods.  Through the use of special exclusion materials and one-way devices, we can almost always allow the target animal to leave the nesting or den site naturally, but not be able to get back in.  This means that we don’t even have to come into contact with the target animals, and they are able to remain in their territory.  This greatly increases their ability to find a new home quickly, and minimizes the overall impact on the animal’s well-being.  This also allows mothers and their offspring to stay together.

Occasionally, due to over-population or special circumstances, we may have to trap and remove target wildlife.  When this needs to be done, we make every effort to translocate the target wildlife to an area where it will have the best chance for survival, and we do everything we can to keep mothers and their offspring together.

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Pest Prevention & Consulting Services

At Lavellan we believe that awareness and prevention are the best protection against most pests.  

Most of the work that we do involves reacting to pest situations that have developed.  A lot of these situations could have easily been prevented if only the tenants or homeowners knew what to do, or what kinds of things they should be watching out for.  Pest prevention is not something most people think about.  Most people would rather not think about pests at all. But, taking the time and investing a little money towards prevention, can save a lot of money later when reacting to pest problems or repairing pest damage.

Lavellan provides year ‘round consulting services aimed at pest prevention.  We can provide pest prevention consultations and assessments for your current home or yard, your new home or yard, your landscaping or renovation project, your new home build, design and architectural projects, and more. Check out our Active Care Solutions programs for an easy way to keep your home and yard free of pests.

Research And Development

Ongoing research and development is always leading to new knowledge, new methods, and new approaches to solving pest problems while keeping people, pets, and the environment safe. This means that we are always updating our methods and procedures to align with the safest and most effective in the industry.

These new developments have led to new (better) procedures for:

Residential Active Care Solutions Annual Programs

Protect Your Home And Yard From Pests, All Year Long!

Unexpected pests can bring about costly property damage, as well as sanitation and health concerns for your family and your pets. Bringing in professional pest control to manage or eliminate pest problems after the fact, can often cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars, and that doesn’t include the extra costs for property repairs or potential medical expenses. Not to mention other costs like stress, embarrassment, and your own time.

Our Active Care Solutions programs provide year ‘round protection against pests. This includes both prevention efforts as well as treatments where needed to protect your home and family.

General Pest Control In Calgary

General Pest Control In Calgary

Pest Control In Calgary

Pest control, or pest management, can take on many forms. Sometimes it means exterminating invasive or harmful pests; sometimes it means using passive deterrents or changes to the environment to evict or exclude pests; sometimes it means providing education and recommendations for dealing with, or preventing pests; Sometimes it means using a combination of approaches. But every time, it requires having a knowledge of the various pests in Calgary, as well as a knowledge of their patterns and behaviours around your property and structures.

There is a diverse collection of various arthropods and wildlife living in and around Calgary. Some of these are outright pests, and some only become pests when they get into our homes, pose health threats, or damage property. At Lavellan, we have specially designed programs and protocols to deal with most common pests in Calgary, but we can also help you in dealing with any manner of pest. If it’s smaller than a Bobcat, then we’ve got you covered!

Common Pests In Calgary


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